
The Mommies Network

Friendship and support for your parenting journey
The Mommies Network is a 501c(3) non-profit organization dedicated to helping moms find support and friendship in their local community. We were founded April, 2005 and have over 100 communities in 32 states, and over 25,000 active members.
We were all in different places but we all share one need. A group of people who UNDERSTANDS us. Who understands that we can love our children and still miss being a grown-up some days. Who can give us a hug when we have a bad day. Who can be on the other end of the phone when the baby is crying and we don't know what else to do. Who gets us. Who we can get. We need each other.

About Us
Like most successes, The Mommies Network grew out of desire to fulfill a personal need - two first time mothers wanted a way to meet other moms without subscribing to expensive mom-n-me activities or committing to strict meeting schedules. We just wanted to find some other women in similar situations who wanted to chat and get together every now and then. The idea must have been a good one, because soon we were a network of local groups. In 2005 we became a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and we are dedicated to creating TMN mom support groups across the United States.

Members of our network chat online in a private forum - discussing everything from the best photographers to the worst temper tantrums and all that lies between - and meet-up regularly at member-driven events in their city. Whether it's a late night commiseration on a crying baby (there are 4 am posts to prove it) or a Mom's Night Out at a great new restaurant, our groups provide what their members need, when and how they need it.

We are more than a community of moms. We are parents in and for our communities.

Our members work full time, stay home full time, work part time, represent many races, are pregnant for the first time, adopted their children, were adopted themselves, recently moved to the area, have lived here all our lives, have twins, are happy with one, are single parents, are searching out schools and have watched their kids graduate. In other words, we are a reflection of parents in the real world. And we help out our neighbors as much as ourselves through organized fundraisers and other charity events - specifically those focused on providing for mothers, fathers and their children.

What do our communities offer?
~FREE membership
~Discussion forums, where moms can get to know each other and ask questions about anything - from childrearing to doctor recommendations and family-friendly restaurants
~Fun, kid-friendly activities in your area, so you can meet your new friends face-to-face and your children can enjoy playdates with kids their own age
~Lots of moms-only fun too, including Mom's Nights Out to the movies, dinner or other fun events
~Local charitable drives and events, to help support moms, children and families in your area.

Click here to find a group in your area!

Don't have a group in your area?
Are you interested in starting one? We need moms to open local communities. We provide all the materials and support you need! Please CLICK HERE for more information about opening a Mommies Network community.

Our Staff
The Mommies Network senior leadership are the Directors who have overall responsibilty, and the Department Heads who run the operations. To learn more about the senior staff, please CLICK HERE. We have many volunteer staff positions for our National Programs and Operations. If you are interested in a TMN staff position, please CLICK HERE to see the current openings.

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